Our very first comic: Get ready for a spooooky story!



Panel 1: It’s nighttime with the stars and moon out in a clear sky. We see a forest with mountains in the background. Counselor Rick, the moose is silhouetted by a camp fire in the middle of a ring of trees. In the foreground is a wooden sign that reads “Welcome to Camp Critter”

Counselor Rick: “Gather ’round campers.”

Panel 2: Closeup of Counselor Rick, lit by the fire wearing what looks like a lifeguard tank-top, a ranger hat, and a whistle around his neck.

Counselor Rick: “Pull up a stump.”

Panel 3: Ruby the raccoon is rolling her eyes. She is wearing a leather jacket and has a chunk missing out of her right ear. Her left ear has an animal tracking tag that looks like a cuff earring.

Panel 4: Jack and Jesse, the twin rabbits are sitting on a horizontal log. Jack is looking scared with his eyes wide. His right ear is bent over, but his left ear is stuck straight up. Jesse, a bit of a tomboy, has her cap on backwards with her ears behind her. She looks excited.

Panel 5: Miri the meerkat is peeking her head out from behind a stump, looking curious.

Panel 6: Milton the bear has a big grin on his face looking very proud of himself. He is carrying his own stump. Milton has a neckerchief and a sash filled with merit badges.

Panel 7: Counselor Rick is getting his body into the story, waving his fingers and looking very intense in his eyes. In the background there is a run down cabin with unnatural glowing windows.

Counselor Rick: “Here at Camp Critter, there’s rumor of a Haunted Cabin…”